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The Power of Storytelling: Share the Story Behind Your Designs to Boost Engagement

Question: What’s the best way to build a bond with your fans? 

Answer: Tell a compelling story. 

Human beings are born storytellers. It’s how we communicate our hopes and fears with our loved ones and communities. Being active on social media is the mass sharing of your story with a much bigger community!

  • Want to build a community of fans? Share engaging stories on your feeds.
  • Want more sales? Share the story of how your products and designs came to be. 
  • What inspired you? Why did you choose those particular designs over another? Your fans want to hear your story! 

And guess what? It’s not as hard as you think. Just a simple post or reel about the “why” behind your design not only gets fans interested in your merch, it checks off another Bingo square!

Remember Bingo? You’re playing for big cash prizes! So let’s dive into how to share your story to get you closer to B-I-N-G-O! 

Why Sharing Your Story Matters

Social Media is a crowded medium with everyone vying for attention. What will help you stand apart? Being real and authentic. Some points to consider:

Authenticity is rare: Many people struggle with being transparent or knowing who they are.

Being yourself attracts fans: Influencers with millions of followers often succeed because they allow themselves to be vulnerable and authentic.

Emotional connection matters: Fans relate to and love creators who are genuine, creating a deeper bond.

Stand out by being real: Authenticity and transparency make you memorable in a crowded space.

Your story adds meaning: Sharing the backstory of your designs gives your product a personal, emotional touch.

Combine connection and storytelling: Emotional connection and storytelling are key to building lasting fan relationships.

Crafting the Story Behind Your Design

So you’re thinking, “Great! Emotional connection and a compelling story will drive sales, but how do I do that?” Let us help:

  • Identify Your Why: Share the inspiration behind your design, whether it’s a personal experience, theme, or community feedback. Be authentic—talk about your fears, desires, and goals related to your product. Why does your brand exist? What impact does it have on your fans? Explore these questions deeply.
  • Be Transparent: Fans value personal stories and meaning. Share how your design came to life, the challenges you faced, and why it’s significant. Transparency builds trust and engagement, turning fans into loyal customers.
  • Be Honest. It’s scary to be transparent but when you are, you’ll be surprised at how many people will engage with you, your brand, and ultimately will become dedicated followers.  

Share Across Your Socials

Once you have your story down, it’s time to share. This isn’t a one post and done type deal. You are sharing a journey. Start at the beginning, capture the steps to the finale and then celebrate when done! In other words, create lots of content and share across channels and across mediums! The more the better!

Some ideas:

  • Instagram and other social posts: Share snippets of the creative process, whether it’s early sketches, mood boards, or behind-the-scenes looks at how the design evolved. There is no such thing as posting too early. Start when you haven’t even started yet. 
  • Videos & Live Sessions: Go live or post videos explaining the story behind the design. Share why you created it and what it means to you, encouraging interaction from your fans. Again, there is no such thing as filming too early. You can even start while you’re sitting there, having done nothing, trying to brainstorm ideas of what to create. It might even be interesting to show you come up with an idea that you end up abandoning because it didn’t ring true. You’re filming yourself being inauthentic, before becoming authentic! How interesting is that!? 
  • Don’t forget Product Descriptions: On your product page, you can use the description area to tell the story. Instead of just listing features, explain the thought process behind the design and what makes it unique. This will also make you stand out from the crowd because it is so underused by most of the community. 
  • BINGO! Any of the above steps will allow you to cross off the square “share the story behind your design” on our Holiday Bingo board. Imagine doing all of these things to grow sales, and winning a cash prize just for doing what you would have been doing anyway! 

Share your story in your holiday promotions!

By incorporating storytelling, authenticity, and transparency into your brand marketing every time you launch a design, you’re not just driving sales—you’re building long-lasting relationships within your community. In fact, you’re enlarging your community, which means those relationships are increasing in proportion to that growth. 

Keep in mind this also helps you cross off another Bingo square and for every Bingo you hit, you’ll have your name entered to win the BIG CASH PRIZES!  

Happy Holidays, Be Real. Be You. Be Prosperous!